Published onJuly 15, 2024The QR Code generator journeyaws-cdkqrgeneratorlambdas3cloudfrontdynamodbeventbridgecorsserverlessCompilation of all the blogs written which make it possible to have the QR Generator websiteRead more →
Published onJuly 2, 2024Create your own QR Code Generator with AWS and AWS CDK! - Caching results with Eventbridge and DynamoDBaws-cdkqrgeneratorlambdas3cloudfrontdynamodbeventbridgecorsserverlessThid part of our QR Code journey, this time we are learning to use Eventbridge Events, Eventbridge Rules and DynamoDB to cache the qr codes generatedRead more →
Published onJune 25, 2024Create your own QR Code Generator with AWS and AWS CDK! - Deploying your website and connecting it with your APIaws-cdkqrgeneratorlambdas3cloudfrontcorsserverlessSecond part of our QR Code journey, where we are going to deploy our website and connecting it to our APIRead more →
Published onJune 19, 2024Create your own QR Code Generator with AWS and AWS CDK! - Creating The APIaws-cdkqrgeneratorlambdas3api-gatewayserverlessCreate an API which generates QR Codes by using API Gateway, AWS Lambda and S3 to store the Generated Qr CodesRead more →
Published onMay 15, 2024How to deploy your website with S3 and Cloudfront with AWS CDK Pythonaws-cdkpythons3cloudfrontstatic-websiteserverlessLearn how to deploy your website with S3 and CloudfrontRead more →